Malaysia confident IPEF will strengthen Indo-Pacific economic cooperation, says PM

image-20220530152455-1Malaysia is confident that the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) will strengthen economic cooperation between countries in the Indo-Pacific and the ASEAN region, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

马来西亚首相Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob表示,马来西亚相信印度-太平洋经济框架(IPEF)将加强印度-太平洋和东盟地区国家之间的经济合作。


During the question-and-answer session at the 27th International Conference on the Future of Asia, he said the new trade initiative provides a holistic structure to resolve trade issues with partner countries.

他在第 27 届亚洲未来国际会议的问答环节中表示,新的贸易倡议为解决与伙伴国家的贸易问题提供了一个整体结构。


“Malaysia is ready to discuss relevant issues through the IPEF to ensure that the members can optimise the economic and strategic benefits as outlined in the framework," he said, adding that the medical, electrical and electronics (E&E) sectors, as well as the digital economy are expected to benefit from the trade initiative.

他说:“马来西亚准备通过 IPEF 讨论相关问题,以确保成员能够优化框架中概述的经济和战略利益,”他补充说,医疗、电气和电子(E&E)部门,以及数字经济有望从贸易倡议中受益。


The IPEF was launched on 23rd May by US President Joe Biden in Tokyo during his visit to Japan.

IPEF 于 5 月 23 日由美国总统乔·拜登在访问日本期间在东京发起。


Malaysia is one of the member countries of the new trade pact, which also comprises the US, Australia, Brunei, India, Indonesia, Japan, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam. 



Ismail Sabri said Malaysia had been a long-time supporter of inclusion through regional economic integration, with the signing of bilateral and unilateral agreements.

Ismail Sabri说,马来西亚长期以来一直支持通过区域经济一体化实现包容,并签署了双边和单边协议。


“As a country that has an advantage in terms of resources as well as talent, Malaysia always takes the opportunity to expand trade and investment liberalisation," he said.



He added that platforms such as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and the IPEF offer distinct advantages, with each one complementing the other, ultimately contributing to regional economic integration.



“The advantages offered by each pact differ for various sectors. Admittedly, some parties may stand to gain more benefits, depending on the economic landscape and the parties involved in the agreement,” he said.



Meanwhile, the prime minister added that Malaysia is expected to ratify the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) by year end.



Together with the RCEP, the CPTPP will create the space for the implementation of the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) initiative.



Ismail Sabri said Malaysia foresees exports of products such as E&E, optical and scientific equipment and chemicals to CPTPP markets to increase following the ratification of the trade pact.

Ismail Sabri 表示,随着贸易协定的批准,马来西亚预计向 CPTPP 市场出口的电子电气、光学和科学设备以及化学品等产品将增加。


“It can strengthen investors’ confidence and encourage more foreign investments, not only among CPTPP member countries but also non-CPTPP countries as they would want to take advantage of the tariff concessions offered through the agreement," he said.

它可以增强投资者的信心,鼓励更多的外国投资,不仅在 CPTPP 成员国之间,而且在非 CPTPP 国家之间,因为他们希望利用通过协议提供的关税优惠,”他说。


Meanwhile, the elimination of and reduction in tariffs for exports and imports of products will further facilitate the trade flow for products and services among RCEP member countries. It will also boost trade activities and cross-border investments, subsequently strengthening the regional value chain, Ismail Sabri said.

同时,产品进出口关税的取消和降低将进一步促进RCEP成员国之间的产品和服务贸易往来。Ismail Sabri 说,这还将促进贸易活动和跨境投资,从而加强区域价值链。


Sectors which are expected to benefit from the RCEP include telecommunications, finance and commodities such as oil palm-based products, rubber, timber and timber products such as furniture.

预计将从 RCEP 中受益的行业包括电信、金融和大宗商品,如油棕制品、橡胶、木材和家具等木材产品。